7PM via ZOOM
Marina O’Sullivan
Marina O’Sullivan
Marina advised that she will be stepping down out of her role and thanked everyone for all the support and collaboration
Sean Satterfield & Donna Zaeske
- Recognition of Donna Zaeske’s retirement: Abby Lewis
- In recognition of Donna’s 10+ years at multiple schools and her dedication to the students, the PTO has purchased a personalized large wall mounted brass bell to be mounted at one of the new school’s playgrounds in the fall.
Zaeske’s update:
- Winding things down
- Fun Run was such a huge success, and was so wonderful to see so many people in person and the kids being so engaged
- This week there will be a 3rd grade moving on ceremony
- T-shirts funded by the Village PTO
- An outdoor celebration including a special visit from Ooch
- All children will receive beach towels
Satterfield’s update
- Parent updates at recess have been tremendously helpful
- Tent will be removed on Friday
- Working on formalizing new school elements to drive new culture (mission, vision, frog mascot, etc.)
- Nan Murphy approved a team (Herendeen, McGuinness, Johnson, Bruett, McGrath) to take additional PBIS training with Eaton, Elmer and Sheppard helping to facilitate.
Aimee Sheppard: Would be good to have PTO fund some new school gear/wear once the new mascot is settled.
Marina O’Sullivan and Abby Lewis
- Such a unique year with unexpected remote operating and learning
- Highlights
- Sept/Oct: Boo Thru
- Dec: Giving Tree with each recipient (40+ children) receiving 3 gifts
- Jan: Virtual Dance party with professional DJ
- Mar: Original Works for a child’s self portrait printed on various items for purchase
- Apr: Principal Candidates forum
- May: Fun Run
- Committees:
- Erin Noonan & Abby Lewis – Enrichment (Ooch, Urbanity Dance, Garden, Discovery, and more)
- Kristen Pratt & Madey Poss – Teacher Appreciation (coffee pop ups, catered lunches, Valentines day love, etc.)
Karla Strobel
- Great success in both bringing students together to celebrate and have active fun along with helping us fundraise
- Hot day with 3 separate races (K, 1, 2)
- 40+ parent and family volunteers
- Raised more than $19,000
Molly Teets & Jess Chamberlin
- Vote on budget Marina & Abby
- Ended more strongly than expected initially in the school year
- Magic Hat and Fun Run largely
- Covid resulted in lower expenses
- Next year’s budget
- Higher revenue and expenses with a more normal year, 3rd grade coming back and 4 new Pre-K classrooms
- Some one time expenses in conjunction with the new school
- Plan to set aside $25K to go towards facilities and items for the new school, specifically for PE, allied arts and the garden program. Some potential items include; gym climbing wall and accessories, musical instruments, start-up garden costs and supplies, and other indoor/outdoor facilities.
- Jess Chamberlin moved to approve the 21-22 Budget. Abby Lewis seconded.
- Vote results:
- In favor of approving the 2021-22 budget: Marina O’Sullivan, Jess Chamberlin, Abby Lewis, Karla Strobel, Molly Teets, Kristen Pratt, Donna Zaeske, Aimee Sheppard, Bit Coppola, Sean Satterfield, Madey Poss, Emily Ries, Erin Noonan, Danielle Bulger, Barbara Burke, Katie Benoit, Rebecca Kwait, Stephanie Callahan.
Erin Noonan
- Ending this year on such a high note with the ability to have performances in person
- Teachers were really grateful for the support and opportunity with Urbanity Dance which happened today at Coffin School today, and Eveleth is planned for tomorrow along with activities for the remote classes.
- Some PTO’s opted to skip enrichment this year with the state of affairs and the PTO is so grateful to Erin Noonan for her dedication in ensuring we still made this happen throughout the year.
- Erin offered to continue to support next year and thanked the PTO for raising the funds
Abby Lewis
- Donation days are changing to Thursday and Saturdays 10-2
- Shop Wed, Thurs, Sat 10-2 (open throughout the summer)
- Their donations are a big factor in our budge success and funding
- Volunteers are needed and the sign up genius is available online (also on our PTO page)
Madey Poss
- It was truly enjoyable to shower the teachers with gifts throughout the year
- Teacher appreciation week; Mon/Coffee & bars, Tues/Fruit, Wed/Room parent, Thurs/Maria’s lunch, Fri/Herbs.
- Donna commented that the teachers loved that we kept showering them with love.
- Aimee Sheppard thanked us for the laptop cases.
- Danielle was thanked for being the room parent coordinator
Karla Strobel
- Name change: The Brown School PTO will take effect for next year
- New website:
- Increased student body (Pre-K thru 3rd) – next year brings a much larger study body with the 3rd grade classrooms coming back along with 4 additional Pre-K classrooms.
Kristen Pratt
- PTO team visited the grounds to see the locations for all the new beds and the outdoor classroom
- Executive Summary to be presented to Sean, including curriculum and operating plans so that we make it easy for all teacher to take advantage of the amazing new facilities
President, Abby Lewis
Vice President, Karla Strobel
Co-Treasurers, Molly Teets & Jess Chamberlin
Co- Secretaries, Kristen Pratt & Madey Poss
Advisors, Bit Coppola & Kate Schmeckpeper
Teacher Representative, Aimee Sheppard
- Jess Chamberlin moved to approve the 2-21-22 PTO BOD. Kristen Pratt seconded.
- Voted In favor: Marina O’Sullivan, Jess Chamberlin, Abby Lewis, Karla Strobel, Molly Teets, Kristen Pratt, Donna Zaeske, Aimee Sheppard, Bit Coppola, Sean Satterfield, Madey Poss, Emily Ries, Erin Noonan, Danielle Bulger, Barbara Burke, Katie Benoit, Rebecca Kwait, Stephanie Callahan.
- Erin Noonan acknowledged what a year of change and challenge that it’s been and all that the students and community has been through between the Gerry School closing, Covid, etc. She thanked the PTO’s before this year and this year’s group for their friendship and hard work.
- Kristen Pratt thanked the committee that helped with the plantings/exterior beautification.
A huge thank you to all of the parents who have pitched in to make this another successful year for our community. Special thanks to parents who have chaired a committee or been on our board!