Dear Brown School Families –
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope you had a wonderful summer and are returning refreshed and ready to go. The Brown School PTO is excited to support our students, parents, teachers and staff throughout the upcoming school year.
All Brown School families are automatically PTO members; however, you must register on our Membership Toolkit site to receive our emails, which are full of useful information. We hope that you will take advantage of the opportunities the PTO provides for caregivers to get involved by volunteering for our events and programs, attending our meetings and events, and contributing to our fundraising initiatives.
What does the PTO do?
Our PTO provides financial and volunteer support throughout the Brown School by:
- funding enrichment activities tied to the curriculum such as the Mass Audubon School Programs, Discovery Museums’ Traveling Science Workshops and the on-site Brown Elementary Garden Program
- organizing community building events including the Monster Mash at Halloween and the Holiday Shop in December
- supporting our incredible staff through teacher appreciation events, funding for classroom supplies, and subscriptions to resources like GoZen! and BrainPop Jr.
We encourage you to connect and get involved by:
- Attending our first meeting of the year on Thursday, October 10 at 8:30am
- Joining the online family directory at
- Bookmarking for vital information and volunteer opportunities
- Following us on Facebook @ljbrownschoolpto
- Emailing us with any questions at
None of our PTO’s support for the Brown School is possible without the generous funding we receive from the Magic Hat Thrift Shop. That funding requires Brown School families to volunteer a total of 180 hours at the Magic Hat every six months. Meeting this goal has been a struggle for our community recently.
- This year, we’re asking every Brown School family to commit to volunteering at the Magic Hat for one hour.
- You can sign up for a Brown School specific week, or just drop in.
- Questions? Contact our Magic Hat rep, Michelle Craig (
We wish everyone a successful start to the school year! See reverse for an overview of events for the year and more important information.
Your 2024-2025 PTO Board
Mary Kennedy & Kate Schmeckpeper, Co-Presidents
Liv Dolce & Karla Strobel, Co-Vice Presidents
Adriana de Katow & Megan DeSoto, Co-Treasurers
Ali Fenty & Kate Whorf, Co-Secretaries
Katie Benoit & Bit Coppola, Advisors