The Brown School PTO is excited to host children’s author and illustrator Garrett Callahan at the Brown School. Callahan is the author of the local favorite children’s book, M is for Marblehead.
M is for Marblehead uses playful rhymes and exciting illustrations to help children learn the ABCs and explore Marblehead, Massachusetts!
We invite Brown school students and families to join us for an evening event:
An Evening with Garrett Callahan
Children’s Author, Marblehead Author
Brown School Gymnasium
Thursday April 11, 2023
6 PM

About the Author
Garrett is a writer and editor based in Marblehead, Massachusetts. He has a journalism background and has worked in feature writing, news writing, and fact-checking.
Garrett grew up in Marblehead, went to school there, and he and his wife are now raising their daughter in town. Marblehead has always been pretty special to his family, even more now that he’s started his own family there. They have so many memories from throughout this town and are making more every day with his daughter and all of her cousins!
Garrett created M is for Marblehead as a side project over the course of almost two years. He hoped an alphabet book would give children an easy way to explore all of the history and unique places in Marblehead, and he hopes it does it justice.